Our Prosperity Jerk Lobster takes #1 spot for "The Best Food in T.O. this Minute" Best in 2015, PressPatoisNovember 4, 2015Press, Post City Magazine, postcity, Patois, Prosperity Jerk Lobster, Best in 2015, TorontoComment
Patois in Toronto Life's Best of the City 2015 Best in 2015, PressPatoisOctober 8, 2015Best in 2015, Best Restaurant, TorontoLife, press, PatoisComment
Zagat named Patois' Prosperity Lobster as one of the 10 Best Toronto Dishes ate so far in 2015 Best in 2015, PressPatoisJuly 16, 2015Top10, Zagat, Best in 2015, Toronto, Patois, pressComment
V.V Magazine named Patois one of Top 10 Toronto's Best New Brunch Best in 2015, PressPatoisJune 26, 2015Best Brunch, Best in 2015, Best Restaurant, Patois, V.V Magazine, ViewTheVibe, pressComment
Chef Craig Wong – 2015 Young guns of the Kates 100 Best in 2015, PressPatoisMay 6, 2015CraigWong, Joanne Kates, Kates100, Best in 2015, Young GunsComment
Patois is honoured to be selected as one of Joanne Kates' Top 100 (via PostCity) Press, Best in 2015PatoisMay 1, 2015postcity, Patois, Joanne Kates, Top100, Kates100, Best in 2015, Best RestaurantComment
Toronto Life puts Patois on the Best New Toronto Restaurant 2015 List Press, Best in 2015PatoisMarch 16, 2015Best in 2015, Best Restaurant, Patois, TorontoLifeComment
V.V Magazine Picks Patois as One of Top 25 Restaurants for Valentine’s Day 2015 In Toronto PressPatoisFebruary 5, 2015ViewTheVibe, V.V Magazine, Top25, Valentines, Best in 2015, RomanticComment