April issue of WestJet Magazine features Patois shrimp balls with Cplus gastrique Best in 2016, PressPatoisApril 6, 2016WestJet, WestJet Magazine, features, Patois, food trendsComment
Post City: Patois patty's featured in What to Eat this Minute Best in 2016, PressPatoisApril 6, 2016postcity, Patois, Patty, pressComment
Patois in Canada's 100 Best Best in 2016PatoisMarch 18, 2016Patois, Top100, Canada's 100 Best, 2016Comment
Toronto Life: What did Usher eat at Patois? PressPatoisMarch 18, 2016Celebrities, Patois, TorontoLife, UsherComment
Narcity: Usher was spotted at Patois!! PressPatoisMarch 18, 2016Usher, NarCity, Patois, CraigWongComment
Toronto Life: Inside Patois chef Craig Wong's Fridge PressPatoisMarch 18, 2016TorontoLife, Patois, CraigWong, InterviewComment
Chef Craig Wong talks 2016 food trends with House & Home magazine PressPatoisJanuary 29, 2016House & Home, CraigWong, Patois, 2016, food trendsComment
Chef Craig Wong shares Patois’ Likkle Soulja Sandwiches recipe with The Star Press, RecipesPatoisJanuary 14, 2016Patois, Press, Toronto, TheStar, TorontoStar, Recipe, CraigComment
Our Prosperity Jerk Lobster takes #1 spot for "The Best Food in T.O. this Minute" Best in 2015, PressPatoisNovember 4, 2015Press, Post City Magazine, postcity, Patois, Prosperity Jerk Lobster, Best in 2015, TorontoComment