Toronto Life: What did Usher eat at Patois? PressPatoisMarch 18, 2016Celebrities, Patois, TorontoLife, UsherComment
Toronto Life: Inside Patois chef Craig Wong's Fridge PressPatoisMarch 18, 2016TorontoLife, Patois, CraigWong, InterviewComment
Patois in Toronto Life's Best of the City 2015 Best in 2015, PressPatoisOctober 8, 2015Best in 2015, Best Restaurant, TorontoLife, press, PatoisComment
Toronto Life puts Patois on the Best New Toronto Restaurant 2015 List Press, Best in 2015PatoisMarch 16, 2015Best in 2015, Best Restaurant, Patois, TorontoLifeComment
Toronto Life Features Patois Eggs Benny PressPatoisMarch 2, 2015TorontoLife, Brunch, Best Brunch, Hot Dish, FeaturesComment
Toronto Life: Patois, a new destination on Dundas West for Asian-Caribbean street food Reviews, PressPatoisJuly 11, 2014reviews, TorontoLifeComment